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Purpose Embodiment


Purpose Embodiment

It was about 2 months ago when my coach challenged us to demonstrate what's our purpose...without any words.  All body movement.  What?? How??  I've never been a fan of charades, and this is taking it a step deeper -- this is my purpose afterall!!

How dare she?

Because that's what makes Monica Day, well, Monica Day.  A transformational coach.  Of course, she picked me as the guinea pig for the 8 other entrepreneurs seeking a deeper meaning of their lives, of their business, of their purpose.

So I began acted it out.  Yes, with small hand gestures, a small smirky grin, and maybe a slight bend in my knees.  I spread open my arms about 3 feet, closed my hands almost in a pinching position and brought them together, as I slightly bent down as if pulling something from the Earth, and then took my hands above my head and pulled down as if pulling something down from the then complete the cycle.

Nope.  Not good enough.  Monica bent down in a grounding position, heart forwarded, hips behind, and looked me in the eye and said "do it again".  So I did.  Nope, not big enough.  This time when she looked me in the eyes, I felt it.  I felt it in every cell of my body.  

Yes, I must go there.  I must go to the purpose within my cells, within my body and act out what I was feeling in body movements.   I teared up.  I couldn't resist.

The same body motions but this time .. every motion was bigger.  My arms were now spread 5 feet apart.  My knees were in 90 degree bend.  My pulling from the Earth and pulling from the sky were with intention, force, and ownership.

I owned my purpose.  Everyone felt it. I felt it.  There's no going back.

My purpose is in my body.  I connect people with heart centered businesses to solutions supplied by the Universe.



Crumbs or Buffet?


Crumbs or Buffet?

Imagine being at a table, and you have a choice.  To eat from the top of the table where it is a much as you want to eat, and anything that you want to eat.  Or, to eat from underneath the table, where there are crumbs.   It might seem obvious, so let me ask you this, "in your life, relationship, job, or other area, are you holding onto something small, living small?  or are you living to the fullest expression with abundance, joy, and unlimited possibility?"

In two conversations, as well as with my own reflection, I heard the words "what if I don't find it again, in someone else"?   In other words, "shouldn't I just hold onto these crumbs, even though I want more than what I have right now, it's better than nothing, right?"

I challenge you to look at your life from afar and subjective mode.  Are you holding tight onto something that feels small, like it's not everything you want?  Are you too afraid to reach for the entire dream, job, promotion, or launching your own business -- for the buffet?

Here's a chance to say, I want more, and I'm going for it!!  There's no reason to keep starving.



It's Like a Deck of Cards


It's Like a Deck of Cards

Imagine a deck of cards, stacked and face down.  There's 52 of them, including the 4 Aces.  You flip one card over at a time.  Knowing there are 4 of each number, and the 2's are the low numbers and the Aces are the ones you really really want.  Now, do you know which card you are about to turn over?  Nope.  Do you get excited, or even fearful, that the next card will be a 2? a 3? or even the Ace?

Isn't that what life is like?  You never know what you're going to get, including the Ace.

We keep flipping the cards, one at a time, patiently.   It might be a series of low number cards, like 10 or 12 or 20 in a row.  Do you give up?  Or do you keep flipping the cards?  

The choice is yours.

Even deeper, what happens when you do turn over the card and see an Ace?  Do you stop flipping the rest of the cards?  Do you celebrate, obsess, or quit after you get the Ace?   Or do you continue to flip the cards for another Ace?

The choice is yours.

How you flip the cards, the time it takes, your energy, passion, integrity, focus, and your intention with each card -- well it tells a lot about you and the way you flip, or manage or handle, life.

How you do one thing, is how you do everything.

So keep flipping.  Be excited.  Be engaged.  And know that every card deserves to be seen.  The Aces will come, as long as you are an Ace.


Your Body Never Lies


Your Body Never Lies

It's kind of scary knowing that almost everyone I talked to is either sick, or knows someone who has this dreaded cold.  Are we all connected? I've had the fever, exhaustion, low energy that turned into sleepless nights due to a hacking cough for the past 12 days.  My body is telling me something.

Well, what is it?

It's time for a clean slate, a new start.  What I was doing, wasn't working.  It wasn't creating the level of success that is meant for me.  I was starting to live old habits again - old thought patterns.  Ones that kept me playing small, putting labels on things/relationships, trying to control, force, or down right be a person on her pedestal.   So getting sick, put me in bed, wondering why am I sick, what is my body telling me. 

Now I know.

There is a life for everyone one of us - to claim, to live, to embrace, to love.  I love my life, I really do. But it's coming at a cost of playing it small, and I'm done with that.  There are many people that are feeling what I am, and it's my drive to share with them that there is a better way.  Yes, we are all connected.

Our bodies never lie.  If you don't trust your mind, your ego, or yourself because our mind can create and manipulate to keep itself safe, at least you can trust your body.  It doesn't lie.


The Prosperity Game

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The Prosperity Game

I like that word, "game".  It implies fun.  And when you add "prosperity" to the phrase, I definitely have a the mindset that I want to win.

But what if you have scarcity mentality?  I grew up cutting coupons, feeling guilty for buying anything extravagant, and did all that I could instead of hiring someone.  I remember my Mom asking me if I wanted to skip school because the Supermarket was having a sale AND TRIPLE coupon day.  Oh golly, what an exciting day.  Although I grew up in a middle class neighborhood, the energy was scarcity.

Until now.

I'm remapping my financial reprint.  Yep, reprogramming.  I have ideas and visions and world change that I want to do, and money will help me do it. 

So what is this prosperity game?

It's a practice to put into play.  At first, I challenge you to do it for 21 consecutive days.  Start with $10,000.  And write down how you would spend every dollar of it.. specifics and detailed as possible (Don't just say it out loud or in your mind, it is imperative to write it down.)   If you want to go on a trip, where would you go, how much would airfare, hotel, food, entertainment would it cost?  If you have credit card debt, who is the creditor?  Then day 2, add another $10,000.  So now you have $20,000 to spend.  Then day 3, $30,000.  Keep adding $10,000 everyday, for 21 days.  

You will start to see where your blocks are, where your mindset is...and this exercise helps to get them out of the way, so the money can easily flow.  Your subconscious mind will believe it already happened, and the Universe will find the "how" to make it happen - just have faith. Do the game. Have fun.  Be creative. Give.  Be of service.

Thank you Kathleen Deggelman for showing me this game.  It has changed my life.

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Small Steps into Big Dreams


Small Steps into Big Dreams

I was self sabotaging.  I had big dreams, and honestly, they were so big that my body couldn't feel them and my mind couldn't wrap around it.  How do you imagine $100,000 a month?  What would that feel like, look like, what would you buy?  I had my dreams so big that it was simply a joke to my mind.  

The ironic part is I didn't want to play it "small" anymore.  So I thought by dreaming big, I wasn't being small.  But if I can't create it, how could the big dreams ever come true?  

Until, I had a shift, a mental clarity.  Take the small, actionable steps, and repeat.  I know how to create and spend $10,000 a month.  I know what steps I have to take.  It's by doing the little things that allows me to expand into "greatness", into bigger dreams.

In essence, I'm playing and dreaming big...just one, small step at a time.



There is no ending


There is no ending

Have you ever had a moment of such clarity that you felt it to your core?  

I've read it, heard it, read it, heard it...over and over again.  Intellectually I understand it.  Afterall, it's one of my favorite symbols, infinity.  It means no beginning, no ending.  Like outer space.  Where is that point where it ends?  Is there a wall?  If so, what is on the other side of the wall?Thank you Wayne Dyer for writing it in that context.

Have you ever had a favorite restaurant, and then it closed or moved?  or a favorite menu item that they change something in the recipe?  Or in a relationship that you just know someday it will end.  The end, it's always near and coming.

Even death. lesson that I received to my core is that it doesn't end.  There's no ending no beginning, it just is in flow..constantly... one restaurant closes, another relationship ends, another begins...

That lifted about 20 tons off my shoulders and out of my mind/ego.  It's about flow.  We are infinite beings, and we are capable of infinite possibilities.

Which will you choose on your path?  


Keep It Simple

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Keep It Simple

There's some wiring in our brains that we want to complicate things, make them harder than they need to be, or reinvent the wheel.  In this business, the opposite is true.  If an 8 year old can't do it, you shouldn't either - is the general rule.

We can be creative in many other parts of our lives.  The simpler we make our network marketing business, the more effective, productive, and duplicatable our business becomes -- and that is the key to the success.  Do steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat.

You show your team members these steps.  They learn the steps.  They show their team members these steps.  They learn the steps.  They show their team members these steps. Follow? Pretty easy, right?

Less is more.  Use the tools such as videos, webinars.  Do the 3-way edification process.  We're in this to help people create income streams in their lives.  The more we complicate, the less we make this happen.

Remember if an 8 year old can't do it, please don't.  Save that for other parts of your life.



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Go Through the No to Get to the YES


Go Through the No to Get to the YES

Think what you would do for your child.  Walk a hundred miles?  Fight for his rights all the way to the Supreme Court?  Stay up all night listening to her fears?  Anything and everything without a doubt.  

Where's that passion, that fire, with your business?

How many no's would it take for you to just quit?

Would you quit on your child?  Why quit on your dreams, then?  What example would you be setting?

The power of no is what you give it.  It can either make you better - as with every no there is a lesson - even if it's just wrong timing.  Or it can make you quit.  It's your choice, your power.

I have learned that getting No's is part of the formula to getting to the Yes's.  It's not one or the other, it's not left is yes and right is no like at a "T" in the road.  It's that I have to go through the "no" neighborhood to get to the "yes" neighborhood -- it's part of the journey, the process, the practice.

So when you think of the no's and they make you want to quit.  Remember that passion you have to never stop for your child - use it for your dreams, you will make you and your child and this planet at a better place.


Have Fun - A New Concept


Have Fun - A New Concept

Today I went for a hike; I needed to step away as I was getting caught up in my old routine of "it has to be hard, it has to be work, for me to succeed."

There's this underlying belief that it has to be hard, doing something that I don't enjoy or just pushing through to get by.  That it has to be "work", behind a computer, or in an "office", to make money.

The good news is that old habits can be replaced!!  

I went on a hike, and instead of the scheduled 8 people showing up, only one woman did.  So she and I went on the hike together - sharing stories, laughing, getting lost in the woods, and we ended up having lunch and went shopping together.  It was fun.  And, guess what??  She's going to introduce me to someone that our Ionizer machine can help!!  Who would of thunk it?!

Yes, you can actually do something you love, have fun, and still make money.  In fact, that's my reoccurring theme!  It's becoming my reality.  My old habits have a way to want to claim space in my mind, but new habits are getting stronger!

You can have fun and achieve succeed.  Isn't the way it's suppose to be?! 


It's the Little Things


It's the Little Things

I had a stack of Toastmaster's magazines in a pile on top of my old, rustic, Spanish treasure chest.  Every day I looked at that pile, and it just didn't seem organized.  Anytime, I wanted to get into the treasure chest, I lifted the pile up and onto my sofa for them to spread out, and having to pick back up, shuffle & organize to straighten.  

Today I went to Home Goods and bought a whicker basket to put these magazines into.  I'm sitting here looking at it and I get a sense of relief, a sense of peace & relaxation, and a little pride of the actual basket I picked out.

If there's an area in your home that draws energy out of you, or takes up mental space, don't ignore it - cause it's taking up space whether you deny it or not!  But do something about it.  If it means an hour out of your day, $7.99 out of your wallet, and a drive to the store, trust me, it's worth it.

The little things in life are not just little, they can be empowering, majestic, and begin a flow of positive energy just waiting to come out.  Go ahead, Give it a try.


180 degrees from Corporate


180 degrees from Corporate

Today I was practicing my story to get it under 60 seconds.  I noticed a theme of how network marketing is 180 degrees from Corporate world.  It's like a total reversal.

From my experience, Corporate is about the bottom line.  Not about people.  It's about working really hard, over 40 hours a week which is the only amount of hours you get paid for;  who is sleeping with who; politics, and expense cutting.  You don't get to choose who you work with, nor how often your job description gets changed.  

In network marketing, it is 100% about people.  Imagine that!  A business, you get to own, and the only way you succeed is by helping others succeed.  It's about choosing who you want on your team, who you talk to, have fun with, and help achieve their dreams.  It's about making an income that you want and deserve without limits.  You can't get fired, you can only quit.

So for anyone out there in the rat race, or just about to enter it, may I suggest to you to weigh out your options. Network marketing is 180 from Corporate, and definitely a better way.


Ah-Ha Moment About Money


Ah-Ha Moment About Money

It feels backward to just be reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki.  But it's the truth.  Today I listened to the audio-book, and something rang so true in my core, it was a deep ah-ha moment.  This maybe obvious or so simple that you won't believe me.  But it's the truth.

My pattern with money has been a see-saw. Feeling abundant then feeling scarcity. Repeat. Robert says that people stay in jobs because of fear.  They get scared of where the money will come from, so they stay "employed" even though they are unhappy and/or don't feel like they are getting under-paid.  It's an emotional decision, not a thought-out decision.  Wow.  How true that is.

Being on the entrepreneurial path, the "security" of the bi-weekly paycheck is removed.  Funny how that played with my mind.  It felt freeing, but also wondered when the money would come. Robert shared his experience when he was 9 years old, and listening to it, I had could put words to what I recently experienced.   I would be asked to go to a personal development course, and my first reaction was, no way, I can't afford it and the downward spiral would begin.  And a day or so later, I thought about it from an intellectual mind perspective, not fear nor emotion. It was a wise business decision to go. So I said yes.

I had to go through the process, the experience of realizing what a paycheck was (fear, insecurity, selling my soul), to fear of running out of money (scarcity), to being in debt, to get me to the space of where I can look at money from the mind, and not the emotion.  Wow.  I got my financial power back.  And an education.

Thank you Robert Kiyosaki. 


Share the Wisdom


Share the Wisdom

A bunch of entrepreneurs gathered in a room to watch interviews with Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, and Robert Proctor.  I watched the interviews on Saturday, and there were so many key nuggets, reality checks, and wisdom shared, I thought I have to tell others about it too!

There I stood in front of the group sharing what has worked for me, tips of the trade, and connecting with them about the trials and successes of entrepreneurship.  Why keep this all to myself?  We're all in it to help one another and create a life away from Corporate's rules and politics.

I find myself studying, learning, and then sharing it.  I hope it's good karma.

Sometimes I don't realize all that I know because there's so much that I don't know.  What I do know for sure is entrepreneurship is a better way.  It's 80% personal development.

To take advantage of the special offer at the end of this webinar go to this link

For these leaders to share what has worked for them, their fears, and to have Robert say "Paychecks are a loser mentality" is exactly what our society, and our economy, needs to hear.  No sugar coating, just raw, honest truth.  And from a man well respected and walked the walk.  

My wish is for you is to share your wisdom, even if it's hard to say or hear.  The truth will set our country, and our souls free.


Attachment is Limiting


Attachment is Limiting

Today I was sharing my story, in hopes of him being able to relate and personally grow.  I used to be emotionally and mentally attached to another direct sales company.  It was my Plan B.  It was something I believed in whole-heartedly - from the company, mission, to the products, to protecting families and our Planet Earth.  I was unstoppable.  I was so attached I couldn't see anything outside my expectations.  Attachment leads to expectations, and closes the door to other things, other opportunities.

People, places, things, and technology changes.  Sometimes you need to practice what Kenny Rogers' sings in his Gambler song,

"You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run"

Attachment prevents you from walking away.  We feel that if I walk away, or change my mind, that means everything I said, preached, and believed in wasn't true.  I can't be that person or let that happen.  But in reality, that's not the truth.  The truth is things change, and when you know better, you do better.

Having no attachment allows for freedom and for bigger things to happen. Bigger than you nor I could ever imagine.  What are you attached to?  Are you ready to be free? 


Wages don't make wealth.  They make a living.


Wages don't make wealth. They make a living.

That's a new concept for me.  When I worked for Corporate, I made a decent wage.  I would get a steady paycheck every two weeks.  And I would work another two weeks, and get paid again. Was I getting wealthy, despite my 6 figure income?  No.  Was I making my boss, his boss, the Board, and shareholders, wealthy?  Well, yes.  They were getting paid based on my work efforts, my sales.  They leveraged themselves.

Wages don't create wealth.  Wages help you make a "living".  Well, I wanted more.

The way to create wealth is through leverage.  Well known financial gurus, that walked the walk, don't trade their time for a paycheck.  They leverage themselves.  Whether it's through rental income properties, car wash or laundry mat ownership, or network marketing, they leveraged their time.  They created wealth as these items would make them an income whether they were there or not.

Why do so many people have judgements against network marketing?  They usually say "oh, you have to get someone, to get someone, and you make money off of what they make...".  Isn't that true of any company?  Insurance? real estate? car sales?  Everyone gets a piece of the pie.

Uploaded by Eric Worre on 2014-11-17.

The difference is in network marketing it is about helping your team.  Period.  If they don't succeed, you don't succeed.  It's about entrepreneurship, helping individuals create an income.  It's not about politics, greed, supporting unethical actions, or about the bottom line no matter the cost.  It's about people.  It's about hard work.  It's what this country was founded on.  

Leveraging your time, helping others to succeed, and being a people's business are just a few reasons why I left the Corporate world and haven't looked back.  It's time for entrepreneurship to help turn our country's economy around.
